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The importance of caring for your car’s tires and wheels cannot be overstated. The tires are the only part of the vehicle that make contact with the road. As such, they must have plenty of tread to maintain their grip on the pavement. The tread must also wear down evenly in order for you to get the guaranteed mileage out of the tires when you purchase them. Let’s talk more about tires and wheels below including bad wheel alignment and important tire services.
If your car, SUV, or truck’s wheels are not aligned, they will chew up the tires. Wheel alignment ensures that the surface of each tire meets with the road evenly. The tires do not lean to either side from the top to the bottom. The tires are also not duck-footed or pigeon-toed. The tread touches the ground in such a way that it wears down completely rather than in patches or circles.
Excellent wheel alignment makes it easy to control your automobile. The vehicle will head straight without a fight until you turn it otherwise. The manufacturer’s logo in the center of the steering wheel will be straight when the wheels are pointed straight. You can easily navigate your automobile because the vehicle does not pull to the side or drift in a different direction.
If your automobile is pulling or drifting, your wheels need to be realigned. They are also out of alignment if the manufacturer’s logo is crooked when you are driving in a straight direction. Do not worry. We can align your wheels so the tread does not get damaged by the misalignment. If it’s been more than two years since you’ve had the wheels aligned, it is time to do so.
Servicing the alignment is just one way to make sure your car’s wheels are healthy. It is also important to balance the wheels when you have the tires rotated. Unbalanced wheels mean that the weight being spread across the vehicle’s axles is uneven. This can make your automobile wobble or vibrate when you drive it, especially when you are driving at higher speeds.
Enough about the wheels, however. Let’s talk about the tires. We just mentioned tire rotation. This service ensures that the tire tread wears out evenly because the tires are changed between the wheels to create different pressure points on each tire. The tire pressure should also be checked regularly and the tires should be inspected for unusual wear and tear. If anything looks out of the ordinary, such as a cracked sidewall, bring your vehicle to our shop right away.
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