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Engine oil and oil changes are such simple pieces of car maintenance, and as such they occasionally get overlooked. But why are oil changes so important? HRS AutoCare has some information that you need that can help you to understand why it’s so crucial to get regular oil changes.
The first thing you might notice when you’ve gone a little long in between oil changes is that your gas mileage isn’t as nice as it might have been in the past. You might chalk that up to other factors, like bad quality gas or something else. But waiting too long to change your car’s oil creates a situation in which gas is not used as efficiently as it needs to be used. You’ll see that in your wallet as you find yourself filling up more often.
The gas mileage issue is a symptom of a larger problem, namely that your car’s engine is having trouble. Engine oil helps your car’s engine to do what it does smoothly and efficiently. When engine oil is old, dirty, or there isn’t enough of it, that’s a big problem for your car’s engine. That means it has to work harder to get worse results. Increasing the wear and tear on your car’s engine is never a good option, especially over time.
Another issue to be aware of is that your car’s engine relies on engine oil as just one of the ways that it keeps itself cool. When engine oil is dirty and old, it can’t do that as well, which can contribute to issues with overheating. Fresh engine oil is extremely helpful in ensuring that your engine is able to run without overheating.
Probably the biggest impact to waiting way too long to change your car’s oil is that the engine can end up damaged. Over time, engine damage builds up until the engine just can’t run any longer and you end up with engine failure. That might seem dramatic, but it’s entirely possible. Too many car owners have lost engines to forgetting about oil changes.
Don’t wait to see how bad things can get for your car. If you’re overdue for an oil change, let HRS AutoCare in Nicholasville, KY help. We’ll get your oil changed for you and help you to remember to keep up with this vital service.
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